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1. 请帮我用初二英语写一篇如何写英语的说明文

Writing English articles is an intresting thing ,so if we love to do it ,I think we can do much better ,don't you think so? Of course ,this isn't enough. So some good habbits are important . For example , we should read many good essays in our free time,it can give us some useful and common sentences. And we should try our best to use sentences which we have learnt ,at the same time we think they're good and right! Before you write, you should make it up in Chinese in your heart.Then you could translate theminto English on the paper! In fact ,there aren't any secrets on how to write articles well. The impotance is hard-working!。

2. 英语的作文怎么写



2.再背几个常用的句型,象什么“In my opinoin”、“in one word”、“in one side 。on the other side。”等等,我们常用的说明的、总结的、对比的、排比的这一类的句型,添加到作文里就行了。你使用的这一类的东西越多,分数就会越高。





2.再背几个常用的句型,象什么“In my opinoin”、“in one word”、“in one side 。on the other side。”等等,我们常用的说明的、总结的、对比的、排比的这一类的句型,添加到作文里就行了。你使用的这一类的东西越多,分数就会越高。






3. 如何写好高考英语说明文




也许你的作文以“This pencil is of normal size and shape.”开头,接着你就描写这支铅笔所具有的与众不同的特点。这种写作方法尤其适用于描写大家所熟悉的而又具有新的、与众不同的特征的事物。





总之,对于不同的说明对象,要按照不同的构造形体或发展规律作出不同安排。三、选用恰当的方法 说明事物,我们常采用以下方法; 1、定义法。

定义法的目的是让不知此事物的人对此物有一个起码的了解,以利于下文的展开。如:A thermometer is an instrument used for measuring temperature. 就是对thermometer下了一个定义。

有些事物也许不好下个明确定义,但我们可以交待这个事物的背景,来源,或列举出它的一些典型特征,以便让读者明白。这类事物可以是术语,也可以是外国人所不了 的中国的传统事物,如龙舟节等。


举例时常用的表达有:for example(例如),for instance(例如),as an example of (作为……的例子),take… for example (以……为例)等。3、比较法。

为了突出事物鲜明的特点,我们常把它与其他事物进行比较。比方说我们想向读者介绍什么是“电脑”,我们可以说“It's a kind of electrical or artificial (人工的)brain.”这样把电脑和人脑进行了比较,从而使人们对“电脑”有更清晰的认识。

4、细节描述法。介绍一种事物,仅用概述性的词语如beautiful, friendly, boring, good 或bad 是不够的。

作者要提供一些细节,使被描述的对象更加形象具体,从而加深读者的印象。 除上述几种方法外,我们还可以通过引经据典(即引用专家、名人等的话语)、列举数字等其他方法说明一件事物,从而使文章更加严密,内容更具有科学性,更有说服力。

四、运用恰当的语言介绍事物,文字要力求简洁、明白、准确。比如:The cover of the magazine is very nice. 在此句中“nice”一词的意义不够明确,如果改用“artistic”就清楚了许多。

再如下句:We wish to state that this electric car was designed with the idea of safety in mind. 此句冗长,不够简洁,应改为:The electric car was designed for safety. 除讲究语言平实准确的前提下,我们还可以运用描写的方法,来增添文章的可读性。例如在写题目为“My Pencil Box”这一文章时,若写成“I have a pencil-box, which was given to me by classmates as a birthday present. On it are three little bears. Inside are my pencils, a rubber and a pen-knife.”这样的表达是不是显得干巴巴的,毫无情趣?若能对三只小熊憨态可掬的形象加以描述,则会给读者留下深刻的印象。


4. 老师让写一篇英语的说明文

My name is water, composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, which is an indispensable friend. Miscellaneous Earth every place I have the footprints. I could offer benefits to people, but also bring disaster. If you can grasp my temper, I returned very good to you good service, live together in harmony. For example, I can gather rivers of human generation, but also for farmers to irrigate farmland can also carrying ships. World ship and swap items. If people a long time I did not see that they would do everything possible to look for me, because they really need me. I like workers and newborns, I often workers to wash away the day's dirt; ice cold water to drop dead newborn shed his longevity. If you fail to master me. "Hey! No, that is nothing but a bad temper and the" For example, I would like to go on destroying the dam flooded the entire city. caused tremendous suffering to mankind. I also stemmed into hail, each housing 100700; Into a downpour, inundated farmland; Into thick clouds. put cover the sun shining, bright long disappeared. Now, with the development of technology, humanity as a whole, I do fuels to replace energy, oil, "Oh! I am also in a hurry fashionable! " I also sprinkled on the trees, flowers and people, moistening them, make them even stronger. From the above examples, you know, I put a personality! I am willing to friends and Human Services, is willing to better serve you. (题目:Water)。

5. 英语的命题作文怎么写

命题作文要求就所给的作文题目进行写作。与其他作文相比,命题作文具有较大的自主性。因为同样的一个题目可以从不同的角度、用不同的文体来进行写作。例如“My Teacher”这个题目可以写成一篇记叙文,也可以写成一篇描写文。不管用什么文体,也不管从哪个方面来写,只要写出的文章切题、流畅、条理清楚、语言正确就是一篇好文章。然而,这种较大的自主性也会使考生感到困难。因为在有限的30分钟之内,要形成提纲,并写成短文并不是件易事。这就要求考生在写命题作文时首先一定要审好题,要仔细分析题意,搞清楚题目所涉及的范围,确定文章的中心思想,切忌跑题。再者,要选择正确的文体。最后,要围绕文章的中心思想,将写作素材进行分析、归类并写好写作提纲,包括引言句、主题句和结尾句。


Fake Commodities

Markets all over the country are swamped with fake and poor commodities. This has harmed greatly the states interests and peoples health. For example, false poison made in a factory not only cant kill mice, but also gives them immunity and makes them healthier.

The cause of this serious situation is that some enterprises only want to get benefit. What's more, some local governments, for the purpose of local protection, don't investigate such activities, on the contrary, they even support them. The judicial organs don't punish the offenders strictly.

We hold that the whole society should pay greater attention to these illegal activities, and these illegal activities should be punished according to the law. The leaders in charge should take effective measures to stop these harmful activities. Consumers should learn to protect their own interests, and not to buy fake commodities. In this way, we can at last wipe out fake commodities and leave no room for them.


6. 如何写英语作文




